A Deep Dive
Deep Dive Stocks provides statistically significant, price-predictive data. Come take a dive and explore what happens below the surface of the market.

Ready to take a dive?
There are hundreds of indicators available, and although some do work better than others – none are very good.
Deep Dive Stocks brings novel insights based on fundamentally and statistically significant core market systems. From measuring option dealer positioning, to scanning the entire market for gamma squeezes, to measuring
liquidity in real time, Deep Dive Stocks finds the relevancy.
You won’t find data you are used to here – for good reason.
Getting Started
Deep Dive Stocks isn’t a source of stock picks. Deep Dive Stocks is here to investigate, discover, and distribute impactful market-data. There are many ways that Deep Dive Stocks achieves this goal – let’s look at just a few.
Deep Dive Stocks’ proprietary algorithm is designed to monitor and capture stock market stability (or lack thereof!) in an easy to interpret, statistically significant way.
Market Scan
Deep Dive Stocks combs the entire market, every day, looking for statistically significant events. From VoEx abnormalities, Gamma Squeezes, to LDPM Crossover events, there is much more going on below the surface than first meets the eye.
Dealer Positioning
Options dealers have a immense impact on the stock market and by keeping track of and harnessing their hedging requirements, statistically significant outlooks can be made.
Liquidity Metrics
Liquidity is everywhere but no one seems to know how to measure it. That is, until LDPM came along. Another one of Deep Dive Stocks' market tools that provides statistically significant and impactful insights into liquidity in the equities space.